Learn from Dr. Madan Kataria, the laughter guru!

5 minutes of laughter instruction from Dr. Madan Kataria - there is profound science in laughter medicine. There are warm up exercises, breathing exercising to get fresh air into the lungs, and the vowel sounds also have medicinal effects. Very Good! Very Good! Yaaaye!
The doctor recommends "Fake it till you make it!"

TEDMED Live Talk by Dr. Madan Kataria at the other song!
Dr. Kataria discovered this in 1995 and has changed lives around the world.

Dr. Madan Kataria Videos About Laugh Yoga

Learn from the family physician inventor of Laugh Yoga.

Each of these videos often shows what are called the "poses" of Laughter Yoga. They show how to apply Laughter Yoga, along with body movements that help the body, to use laughter throughout your day. 

Dr. Kataria's instruction videos

  • Mental Floss Video
    "50% of disease has an organic cause, and the rest is how you handle it in your brain" - Dr. Kataria     Video
  • Laughter is a windshield wiper
    When you need to see clearly, when life is raining, use this laughter yoga pose.  Video

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